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Köpplinger Boltman is a leading labour law firm in Namibia and a preferred legal firm of choice for corporate clients ranging from various mining, financial institutions and public enterprises, where it not only serves as drafter of commercial contracts, the drawing and reviewing of opinions, but also negotiate deals with client stakeholders.
Not only does our firm offer its clients a one-stop service, whether it involves the interpretation of a particular legislative provision or instituting a civil claim, we strive to ensure that our clients receive the best possible legal advice. We pride ourselves as being dedicated and always willing to “‘go the extra mile”. Although, in comparison, our firm is fairly small and relatively new, the lack of size is clearly made up for in reputation amongst our peers and our go-getter attitude.


Köpplinger Boltman offers labour law, civil and commercial law services throughout Namibia with many years of experience in this field, giving us a substantial competitive advantage by assisting our clients with professional and effective legal services. 

Windhoek Branch:
No 10, Jakaranda street, Suiderhof, Windhoek

Phone: +264 61 301 149                  
Fax: +264 61 301 149